Friday, January 16, 2009

Compliments and Encouragment

Build others up!  To often through everyday life and the media we hear people being "bashed."I have heard that for ever negative thing someone says to you, it takes 10 positive things to overcome it.  Why waste time hurting others when we could say nothing at all, the complete opposite and give somebody a compliment.  Everybody loves 'em!  

Today on my long run I was hurting pretty bad.  A guy on a bike passed me and shouted, "Nice Jacket!!"  (I was wearing my Steve Prefontaine hoody.)  This random stranger gave me a compliment, I was stoked!  I turned the corner, saw the finish, and sprinted the rest of the run!  

Little acts of kindness like that go a long way, their easy, and it doesn't take much effort.  

You never know whose life you may be impacting!
Build a brother (or sister) up!  1 Thess 5:11
And thanks to the man on the Alpharetta Greenway!
Okay, so it was sub-freezing temps on the run, but not snowing.  This is an internet pic of the Greenway.

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