Friday, August 29, 2008

Love is a Decision

What a statement! And I am slowly and surely finding the meaning of it. I have heard two different schools of thought on this statement, though.

First, you have the Alan Jacksons of the world that speak of "Livin' on Love...."
You also have the Beatles of the world that state "All you need is love..."

I've also heard that it takes a lot more than just love to make a relationship work. And I have to agree.

I bought a shirt about 3 weeks ago and on the front it says "Love is a Decision". It's by Jedidiah, they have awesome clothes and have an awesome message. Definitely check out the website. Little did I know though, that I would be seeing this decision right before my eyes today in a situation that directly involved myself.

To Love someone-wow, that's so strong-to love someone you have to disregard feeling; you have to throw away looks; you have to submit; you have to decide. It is a huge huge decision. I can't help but thank of the women that I have told "I Love you" too, only to break up months later. Did I truly love them them? Did I love them for a time and then it simply ended?

I believe to truly love someone, you are obviously going to be attracted to them, you are obviously going to have strong feelings for them, you are hopefully going to treat them right; but more than anything you have to make the firm decision to love them for the rest of your life. Breathe. You have to decide to Love when finances are tough; you must decide to love when the job sucks; you must decide to love when looks have faded away and you are both pushing each other around in wheel chairs; you must decide to love when the in-laws are getting on the nerves; (it's about to get deep)....You must decide to love when a job requires you to move to an unknown territory away from family and friends; you must decide to love when your child is born with an incurable disease; you must decide to love when your child is taken away from you through a tragic event; you must decide to love when your secretary whispers sweet nothings into your ear at work; you must decide to love when the divorce papers are all but signed.

Bottom Line: Love is a Decision.

Kids (Am I still a kid?) these days are getting married so young. I wonder if they have decided to love. Maybe it comes easier for some than others. Be mindful of your feelings, they will betray you (quote straight out of Star Wars!). Be grounded in the decision to love.

In 1 Corinthians 13, the Bible talks about Love and all of its glory. It is a beautiful passage that ends by saying that out of Faith, Hope, and Love...The greatest of these is Love.

Protect your Heart; Love with everything that you have. Treat people right. And Decide To LOVE.