This weekend has been great; off from work, a couple of bike rides, a little cleaning and a little sleeping, eating, and church!
I started to attend
New Spring in Greenville about 3 weeks ago and am loving it. The messages are powerful, relevant, and speak right to me every week. New Spring Greenville is a "satellite" campus from New Spring Church in Anderson; I'm used to the whole "watch your preacher on a screen" thing though after attending Catalyst Church in downtown Greenville-which has since shut down-with Andy Stanley.
Perry Noble-pastor, is doing a series entitled "You Asked For It". He is preaching 6 sermons on questions the congregation has asked him to preach on, including: What is sexual sin? Can I lose my salvation? What is God's will? Is it okay to drink alcohol? Are we living in the end times? and Is it okay to be a part of popular culture and still be a Christian? All relavent questions that need sound Biblical answers.
Some of his sermons have already stirred up a little controversy, but as far as my 8-years worth of Christian schooling tells me...his sermons are Biblically based and sound. Can't argue with the Word of the Lord. Usually, those who do are directly doing what they are trying to justify!!
A quote that he said at the beginning of this series 3 weeks ago was that Oprah has the biggest church in America because she is answering the questions that people are asking; why is the church not answering these same questions. Why isn't the church "giving the people what they want" per say...directions and answers to life. WE as Christians have the cheat sheet, the answer book, if you will. Our only job on earth is to share that; that's why we are here.
Today, the sermon told that God's Will was a lot easier to know and follow than we make it out to be. We have the infallible, inerrant Word of God at our fingertips. When I Listen to the Word of God, and I Walk in the Ways of God, I will Discover the Will of God. (stole that from the bulletin outline-but I thought it was awesome.)
I can't tell how many times I have prayed, "Lord, show me your will" or "Show, me just the next small step, so that I may follow you" all the while, not being faithful to Listen to the Word of God or Walk in the Ways of God. I have it backwards-as I usually do! Why should God reveal more to me when I haven't been faithful following Him in the first place.
Thank you Perry for allowing God to speak and use you as His messenger. And thanks for getting me pumped up about church for the first time in along time.
Next week's message-"Is drinking alcohol okay?" I can't wait!!